About the Journal

Social Sciences in Brief (eISSN: 3059-5681) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, and open access journal dedicated to the complexities of human behavior, social structures, cultural dynamics, and global challenges. It endeavors to facilitate interdisciplinary discourse and contribute to a more profound comprehension of society in its multifaceted forms and contexts. The journal strives to bridge the gap between academic scholarship and real-world relevance, addressing urgent societal issues in a concise and accessible format. It prioritizes interdisciplinary perspectives, innovative methodologies, and a dedication to inclusivity and diversity in social science and humanity research.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 (2024): Social Sciences in Brief
					View Vol. 1 (2024): Social Sciences in Brief
Published: 24-11-2024

Original articles

  • Peace education strategies in Zacatecas, Mexico: Towards a culture of peaceful coexistence

    Lucía Muñoz Castañón, Blanca Isabel Llamas Félix, Minerva Esparza Jaquez, Graciela Rodríguez Castañón (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ssb.06
  • Proposal of a structural equation model to determine the importance of the factors that generate violence

    Flor de María García Martínez, Víctor Hugo Bañuelos García, María Teresa Villegas Santillán, José Rogelio Hernández Ponce (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ssb.07

Short communication

  • Chatbots in the service of university students: A review

    Jhonatan Jeferson Tapia-Hoyos (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.47909/ssb.08
View All Issues

Social Sciences in Brief

eISSN: 3059-5681

Publisher: Pro-Metrics