Proposal of a structural equation model to determine the importance of the factors that generate violence




structural equation modeling, delinquency, violence, crime, risk factors, Latin America


As indicated by the United Nations, there is a significant correlation between youth violence and delinquency. However, youth violence represents one of the most unfavorable consequences due to the high number of young people, socioeconomic scenarios, lack of attention from governments, and numerous other factors. Furthermore, violence exhibits geographical characteristics, as evidenced in urban settings. Due to the lack of attention and intervention from institutions and states, criminal groups may gain control of territories and resources, thereby depriving the population of goods and services that the state would otherwise provide. The majority of criminological theories integrate elements of both individual-level and socioeconomic explanations. Accordingly, this research aimed to ascertain the factors that give rise to violence and crime through a structural equation model. In light of the circumstances mentioned above, it is imperative to consider the efficacy of prevention policies in reducing the incidence of violence and crime.  


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How to Cite

Martínez, F. de M. G. ., García, V. H. B., Santillán, M. T. V., & Ponce, J. R. H. (2024). Proposal of a structural equation model to determine the importance of the factors that generate violence. Social Sciences in Brief, 1, 1-15.